Dear readers, I'm so excited today to be able to host Jean Kwok's haunting novel Searching For Sylvie Lee, as it journeys through our book blogs on its blog tour. In honour of that, check out my review now, When Still Waters Run Deep: Searching For Sylvie Lee , or click the link at the end of this post. But that's not all. I'm also thrilled to be able to share with you a special author Q&A with the amazing Jean Kwok herself. Her answers were so thoughtful, and I found myself nodding in agreement to lots of them. So without further ado, here it is: Q: Which authors have influenced you the most? A: There are so many wonderful writers, like Margaret Atwood, Kazuo Ishiguru, Italo Calvino and Maxine Hong Kingston who have inspired me. I particularly love Atwood’s gorgeous use of language, her ability to make the pages fly and her wild creative freedom. Q: What’s a book you read when you were younger that has stayed with you? A: As a working c